History shows that economic demand drives social change. As the world becomes increasingly digitalized, we believe that this will be the driver towards active inclusion of people with disabilities, impairments and developmental issues.
Bringing Inclusion To Commerce
Horizon Next is built on the values, principles and activities of its co-founders, Rashid Aliyev and Gwendolyn Burchell MBE.
Our Values
Black BrailleTeach device with white buttons
Sky blue with yellow buttons BrailleTeach Device
Reach Our Founders Today!
Rashid Aliyev
Gwen Burchell
The Purpose of Horizon Next
Supporting Inclusive Innovation
We nurture innovations that support inclusion by empowering them.
Promoting Inclusivity
We promote inclusion through raising awareness, data analysis and empowerment.
Support Accessibility. Support Us.
To learn more about Horizon Next, visit their website by clicking the link below!
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